Supporting Our Parish
Thank you so much for your all your support, we are deeply grateful for all the support we receive from our congregation, our community and visitors. We could not fulfil our God-given vision without the generous offering of your time, talents and finance.
We rely heavily on the generosity of our parishioners and as you will be aware there are significant costs associated with maintaining and running all of our Churches, for which we receive no other support.
You can continue to support your Parish by:
Taking donations in envelopes to Mass or posting your envelope through the letterboor at either of the presbyteries at Our Lady Queen of Peace or St Bede's. This would greatly assist the parish finances in maintaining the bank account at a satisfactory level.
You can also make your donation by cheque to cover a number of weeks contributions.
Please consider signing up for a Standing Order for your donation. You can download your Standing Order Form HERE.
You can choose to make your donations monthly/quarterly or annually. Please take or send the completed form to your bank.
Gift Aid
If you pay tax you can increase your donations by detaching & signing the Gift Aid section of the Standing Order Form & returning it to church. It won't cost you any extra and for every £1 you donate the parish can reclaim £1.25.
Thank you for your help. It is greatly appreciated.